Questions That Matter: How has your idea of “Normal” changed this season?

07/23/2020 05:30 PM - 06:30 PM ET


  • Free


Virtual Meeting


This week's question is "How has your idea of “Normal” changed this season?" led by Karla Petty. standing in for Bill Haley. 


Continuing the conversations begun during our "Conversations from Corhaven," our new summer series "Questions that Matter" will give us the opportunity to meet together, listen, and discuss topics that we are all yearning to see clearly through the lens of our faith.  Here are some of the upcoming questions...

  • July 23 - How has your idea of “Normal” changed this season?
  • August 6 - TBD
  • and much more!

We are hopeful that this will be a comfortable, open, safe space to engage these meaningful questions and have a chance to process some of the things and changes happening in our lives right now.  Join us online via Zoom meeting.  When you register for the event you will be sent the link for the meeting.  Looking forward to discussing with you!